The Gallamar Group acquires and invests in businesses where our operational expertise will provide substantial value to the acquired company.   As such, we have developed criteria below to help qualify prospective acquisition candidates:

Acquisition size & Location:

  • Annual revenues from $50 to $200 million
  • EBITDA from $5 to $20 million
  • United States based companies

Transaction Type:

  • Family and founder owned businesses
  • Businesses looking for a private and expeditious sale
  • Corporate carve-outs
  • Control equity investments
  • Companies who are underperforming compared to their potential

Industries of Interest:

  • Manufacturing and industrial businesses which make proprietary and custom products
  • Wood Products – construction, furniture, cabinets, flooring
  • Metal Products – machining, casting, forging, extruding
  • Plastics & Rubber – injection molding, blow molding, rotational molding, extruding, thermoforming, compression and vacuum molding, 3D Printing, transfer molding
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